Helping a leading skincare brand launch a new medicated range for eczema sufferers

Aveeno is already well known for its skincare products but its medicated range, developed specifically for eczema sufferers, was not quite as well known within the healthcare community.

I was briefed to create the UI design for an interactive e-Detail Aid, which sales reps could use in HCP meetings. The story flow followed a fictional family, as the treatment was suitable for a wide age-range and I wanted it to be relatable to HCPs’ typical patient-base.

Based on the brand’s identity guidelines, I created a look and feel which reflected the calming effect of the emollient products. I extended this to the graphic treatment of stock photography, which unified the imagery as a set. I also developed a series of infographics which helped to explain the emollient’s mode of action and key benefits of the product range.


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Rare Disease Collective